
You are in relation to life itself and everything living. Seven keywords that deepens. 

We have a relationship to one another as human beings, the planet we live on, all living things and to ourselves. 

We have a relationship to one another as human beings, the planet we live on, all living things and to ourselves. We have these relationships, that is what it is and nothing we can change. What we can change is our attitude, so that it is based on love - the force that builds and is full of well wishing. As a Pilgrim, the result is often that you develop deeper relationships with everything.

When you set out on a pilgrimage in the vast wilderness, your horizons are widened, both inward and outward. You learn more about the deep essence of nature. Maybe you walk together with others in the group and share the experiences that you encounter. Sometimes we are able to share what we encounter in our internal world with the others around us. None of these relationships give us any ownership of the one we relate to. We cannot own ourselves, our nature nor our friends, nor partners. You are who you are and you are heading towards the one you are meant to be, just like your friends, just like nature. A deep freedom that we respect and desire.

Seven keywords

"The seven keywords" is an attempt to describe the soul of the Pilgrim. Words that can also be meditations and keys to a deeper understanding of our life journey. To be a Pilgrim can support you in a struggle to lead a harmonius and more open life. The seven keywords of the Pilgrim have here been interpreted from the original version by Hans-Erik Lindström.

The Pilgrim has the freedom to move and to explore deeper layers.

The voluntary simplicity that often makes us more able to free ourselves from much of that we do not need, perhaps in not owning too much. In silence we can better get in touch with ourselves, remember the most important aspects and become stronger. Carefree we can wander in the midst of an environmental disaster or injustice, but we can never be indifferent.

Slowly we can live in the eyes of the world, but deep down we can discover our power to act.
Spirituality leads us to gain respect for each other, ourselves and the earth we use.

In sharing we are liberated from too many burdens on our own shoulders, we are able to remove our burdens and continue healed, as children of light, and now care for creation, fight injustice and cherish human equality.

To embark on a pilgrimage, alone or with a group, does not just concern you alone. That which you discover, that which you receive, is something that everyone partakes in on your continued journey through life. 

Departure – walking – goal and return home is a pattern of the Pilgrim that we share.