
Nature invites us to think about exisiting inbetween the visible and invisble. Everything seems to become clearer when we head out in the mountains. 

The three national parks in our area

  • Lierne Nationalpark has a spectacular landscape, beautiful and dramatic. You can hike through it in three days. The national park starts approximately 10 km from the hotel.
  • Blåfjella/Skjækerfjella Nationalpark. Here you can experience the endless views. It will take you about 8 days to hike through the entire national park.
  • Borgefjell Nationalpark.One of the oldest national parks in Norway, famous for its Arctic Fox.
  • Tips for Pilgrims.

The eight nature reserves

You can find descriptions of the nature reserves at länsstyrelsens website. We linked the names to their respective tabs at the website. The eight reserves in the area are: Hotagen, Hällingsåfallet, Blåsjöfjäll, Daimadalen, Bjurälven, Korallgrottan, Jougdadalen and Skåarnja.
Also download the app, "Jämtlands Naturkarta", at länsstyrelsens website.



As a visitor, you will explore the nature in Frostviksfjällen which due to the proximity of the Gulf Stream looks a little different to the nature in other mountain areas. In Gäddede there is also a Visitor's Center with a "naturum" and a nice park. You can also visit Nationalparkscenteret and the Geological Park in Nordli, 35 km from Pilgrimshotellet. Thereafter you will be ready to strap on your walking shoes, step into your skis or snowshoes, pack your backpack and head off into the wilderness. You can walk along marked trails or explore on your own. Animal and plant life is rich and varied. The landscape changes and also offers good fishing and good opportunities to forage for mushrooms and berries. We welcome you!