The Bullseye

Five places worth visiting with the theme of wilderness can be found in Frostviksfjällen.
Sights which can be visited with a starting point at PilgrimsHotellet.

The bullseye in Frostviksfjällen

A series of spot-ons for you who is interested in nature. You get to discover yourself as you discover new sights among the mountains of Frostviken. 

  • The Wilderness Road is Swedens most beautiful road which you can go on with your car. The road goes over Stekenjokk. 
  • The Coral Cave, the longest cave in Sweden. Visits are done with a guide.
  • Bjurälven, one of swedens most important geological heritages.
  • Hällingsåfallet, a 40 meter waterfall in swedens longest canyon.
  • Gudfjelløya, "Tunnsjöguden" is Europes tallest island inside a lake. It is a mountain in the lake Tunnsjøen.

These are five nice excursions to world-class sights. All within a radius of 50 km from PilgrimsHotellet. You can reach all of them by car and in one case, by boat. But Gudfjelløya can also be seen from the road. There are very good possibilities for hiking one or several hours on good paths in every one of the areas.  

You can see it all in one weekend, but don't hesitate to add a couple more days so you can spend more time in each area.

Five more simple excursions

  •  Fjällparken and naturrum in the Tourist Bureau in Gäddede
  • The Geology park and Nationalparkscentrum in Nordli
  • Hembygdsgården/folk museum in Gäddede which was started by Dr Hummel, famous resistance man under world war 2.
  • Ankarede Sami church village, one of three in Sweden that still exists.
  • Beautiful churches in our area, there are five. If you want to see the insides, ask for the key or visiting hours. 

Hällingsåfallet nature reserve

After a hike along the Hällingså river through the magic primal forest you reach the canyon. Here we wander along the 50 meter high cliffs until we catch a glimpse of the mighty waterfall. It's possible to park your car up near the waterfall but for those who have time and are able we recommend the walk upstream for a better experience of the unique reserve.

Mountain fishing in Frostviken

In Frostviksfjällen all types of fishing environments and species exist. Rivers, mountain and forest tarns, lakes, streams and creaks. Trout and char, grayling and whitefish, perch and pike. There is fishing waters conviniently close to roads, but also more adventurous destinations among untouched mountains and lands. There is fishing for every category of recreational fishermen.

More about fishing in Frostviksfjällen