
Presence, when you feel that the whole of you is there.
In wandering, in conscience and in food.

The Pilgrim dares to meet themselves.

This often leads to a process of purification where we can discover both the good and the bad.  Much is foreign to us, but we dare take another step.

Slowly our understanding of ourselves expands. We learn. We keep searching and more of the unfamiliar becomes visible. Like when we walk over a mountain to the next valley where we discover new landscapes. Sometimes we meet people we have not met before.

We perhaps feel that walking into the unknown as a stranger can be both challenging but also very rewarding. Both in the outer landscape and inside of us where we encounter experiences, thoughts, feelings, and perhaps new insights. We can become aware and continue to experience and learn about life.

We are energized by what we meet, by those we meet. We are drawn to the energy that increases. During our meals we heighten our awareness of what simply tastes good and what tastes really great. We can listen more to ourselves, to nature and to each other.