Mountain hiking

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One Day Tours

  • Walking from Murutorpet to PilgrimsHotellet. 3-4 hours. Take the car over the Norwegian border to Murutorpet, ca 10 minutes car ride. We can help you to drive the car back. You can also start from the hotel and go to Muruhatten and Lillfjället.
  • Walking from Brattli old lift station. Follow the red trail crosses towards Blomhöjden. Walk in towards Jougdadalen. If you are comfortable with it you can also hike off the trail to the bald hills up to Neejhke where there is a big stone pile where you can contribute with putting a stone there yourself.
  • The top of Kalberget. A clear path to the top, about 3 hours up and down again. Starts at the Wilderness road.
  • Portfjället. Start at Lindhals fjällgård and walk up to the pass on portfjället. If you walk the same way back it takes about 3 hours. If you keep going into Norway and to Tunnsjön you have to count with about 6-8 hours.

    Of course there is also good paths around the big attractions where you can do day tours as well; Hällingsåfallet, Bjurälven, Stekenjokk, Ankarede (Lejarfallet), Lierne Nationalpark

Longer Hikes

  • Sjufjällsstigen - Path that starts in Ankarede and stops in Härbergsdalen. It's about 33 km, one night sleeping in a tent. There is a prepared trail.
  • Gäddede - Blomhöjden, ca 34 km. One night in tent. There is a trail.
    From övre jaktstugan (upper hunting cabin) to Sörli, ca 3 days. two nights.
  • Walking through Lierne Nationalpark. Bare mountain without a trail, you will need map and compass which we can provide.
  • Blåsjöfjället, a walk in bare mountain terrain. After about 4,5 km you reach a small cabin, after 4 more kilometers you will reach a small shelter at the lake Silesjaure at the Norwegian border. Here you can keep exploring the mountains in the border area a bit more free. Put up your tent in a nice spot for one night and walk back the next day.
  • Every year we are visited by hikers on their way on a long hike called Fjällfararnas gröna band or vita band. They often pass by us and the mountains around us in Gäddede. If you are interested to do a long summer or winter tour there is more info on their website Fjällfararna.